Monday 22 October 2018

To Spawn in a New Year...

Okay, it isn't 2019, yet, but we are about to have the club's AGM. On the evening of the 22nd, we will come together to move into the new-order. As a club that offers so much, we are gifted with an amazing resource. The boathouse is a great stronghold, filled with kit and interesting items from the club's history.

With a group of experienced paddlers at the helm, we are able to offer new skills to individuals and support the progress of members. This year saw 'me' getting my 2-Star Award, an award that I have wanted to achieve for the past ten years. The strength and knowledge in Graeme Haigh's coaching made this possible.

Amongst the changes to the website and the potential role alterations, we will keep up the hard work and endeavour to find new ways of drawing fresh paddlers into the family.

Top changes in the past week have been:

  • A new weather application is now on the main-page of the website. This is great for now, but will be updated in the coming six months. (Phase Two)
  • All six activities are now available through the menu at the top, and the image-map on the main-page. (These pages will be added-to once the AGM is done and we know where we are.)
  • Facebook is now having regular updates. If you haven't already, become a friend and get closer to us.
  • Search option is now available at the base of the site's pages.
  • Posts are now updated, regularly.
That'll do, for now. If you have never paddled, drop us a message on the website, we will respond, honestly!

Be happy, or at least, be happy paddling!

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